Karnival of Trash Mail Art Call: Joey Patrickt (DKULTJOEY) (Oakland, California, USA)

Joey - 8.18.2016 - 1

Mail art by Joey Patrickt (Oakland, California, USA)

A steady stream of mail is now arriving in my PO box for the Karnival of Trash Mail Art Call (open through September 30, 2016). Some of the pieces are clearly directed to the Karnival of Trash. I am assuming Joey Patrickt is entering this in the call, as it is Trashpo and Trashpo is not usually Joey’s chosen medium. The reverse side displays his cryptic DKult stamp work:

Joey - 8.18.2016 - 2

A close in:

Joey - 8.18.2016 - 3

Thank you Joey Patrickt and DKULTJOEY!

Send your entries to:

Karnival of Trash

c/o De Villo Sloan

PO Box 1314

Auburn, New York 13021 USA

Previous Karnival of Trash Documentation

John M. Bennett and Diane Keys
