“Sudoku & Paper Games” by Jean-Marc Rastorfer (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Jean-Marc Rastorfer 3.5.19 - 1

Mail art by Jean-Marc Rastorfer (Lausanne, Switzerland)


We are thrilled to have received this exceptional correspondence art from Jean-Marc Rastorfer in Switzerland.

Jean-Marc is not an artist we recall personally from anywhere along the “long dusty trail,” but we are certainly thrilled to make his acquaintance now here in the New Order of things. Apparently Jean-Marc Rastorfer has been a considerable presence in the Eternal Network for many years. We found an early reference to him in the Lomholt Mail Art Archive:


Lomholt has material representing a time when mail art (late 70s – early 80s) was probably at its most conceptual and intellectual. This possibly gives a context for the interesting mailing being documented in this blog. Rastorfer is still active and turns up on contemporary blogs. For example, here he is on Rebecca Guyver’s wonderful The Postal Ledger blog:


But enough background! Jean-Marc Rastorfer sent a wonderful letter explaining the mailing:

Jean-Marc Rastorfer 3.5.19 - 2a


Jean-Marc Rastorfer 3.5.19 - 2

Mail art by Jean-Marc Rastorfer (Lausanne, Switzerland)


Jean-Marc Rastorfer 3.5.19 - 3


Interesting images – clearly vispo and asemics – appear on the reverse side of some of the cards:


Jean-Marc Rastorfer 3.5.19 - 4

Mail art by Jean-Marc Rastorfer (Lausanne, Switzerland)


And the stamps:


Jean-Marc 3.5.19 - 5


Jean-Marc 3.5.19 - 6

Mail art by Jean-Marc Rastorfer (Lausanne, Switzerland)


Jean-Marc 3.5.19 - 7


Jean-Marc 3.5.19 - 8



Lisa dvs 6.18.2018 - 21

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