MinXus Mail Bag: E’s Fan Club News + Mail Art for “Miss Norma”

E Fan Club - 6.13.2018 - 1Mail art from France concerning E’s Fan Club. Note use of E’s famous muzzled mink stamp.


Our beloved Mink Ranch – alas – is becoming a Dead Letter Office for non-existent people.

We received this piece concerning E – Ambassador of Utopia that might answer some questions concerning the fate of E. More likely, this only raises more questions in what is becoming a great mail art mystery. We can only hope E – Ambassador of Utopia endures. And we lament and mourn his loss if our worst fears are true.


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Another add & pass (supposedly begun by Miss Noma) was returned to Monty Cantsin at our post office box. (The whole thing is so preposterous and convoluted that it is not really worth attempting to explain.) Note this envelope was intended for our dear friend Alicia Starr in Iowa, USA. We will try to remember to pass it along to her:


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Miss Noma add & pass sheet for E’s Fan Club intended for Alicia Starr Ryan (Iowa, USA). Note E’s iconic “Highway to Hell” stamp.


This mail art we received for “Miss Norma” by Kayenderes might or might not be related to E’s Fan Club in some non-linear way:


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Mail art by Kayenderes (Hogansburg, New York, USA/Quebec, Canada)


Included in the wonderful material sent by Kayenderes was this add & pass apparently begun by famed networker Ed Giecek:


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Add & Pass begun by Ed Giecek (Concrete, Washington State, USA) with additions by Kayenderes (Hogansburg, New York, USA)


And the reverse:


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Many thanks to all who contributed!




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